
海外优青招聘 | 香港科技大学(广州)诚邀海外英才加盟

HKUSTGZ 香港科技大学广州 2023-03-26






香港科技大学(广州)下设功能枢纽(Function Hub)、 信息枢纽(Information Hub)、系统枢纽(Systems Hub)、社会枢纽 (Society Hub),下设15个硕博士专业。学校首批开设人工智能、数据科学与大数据技术、智能制造工程等三个本科专业,将于2023年开始招生。




  1. 薪酬体系与香港科技大学对标,学校提供不少于500万元科研启动经费;

  2. 协助申请包括国家、广东省、广州市、南沙区等地方政府的人才计划;

  3. 国家、省、市、区提供科研支持经费及安家费等在内的配套费600-1100万元(以政府最新政策颁布为准);

  4. 宽敞、充裕的科研空间;

  5. 每年至少3名博士生名额;

  6. 学校全力支持与香港科技大学联合聘用,两校教授共同指导研究生;

  7. 舒适优质的国际化教职员工公寓;

  8. 高端医疗保险;

  9. 协助办理子女入读广州市南沙区一流幼儿园、小学、中学;

  10. 协助安排配偶工作等。



















戴婧瑶:邮箱 jingyaodai@ust.hk

吴嘉成:邮箱 jiachengwu@ust.hk

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) is a Mainland-Hong Kong cooperative university approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. It is the first Mainland-Hong Kong cooperative university with independent legal person established since the promulgation and implementation of the Master Plan of Guangzhou Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation Between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao with Global Perspective and was officially established in June 2022. HKUST(GZ) is committed to innovation, featuring the development of integrated disciplines, and exploring pioneering modes of talent cultivation, with the mission to become a model of integrated development of education between the Mainland and Hong Kong and an internationally renowned higher education institution, dedicated to cultivating high-level innovative talents for the future.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) is administered by the People's Government of Guangdong Province in accordance with the law. The University conducts education at undergraduate and master's and doctoral levels, enrolls undergraduate students in accordance with the provisions of the national unified admission policy, and issues the diploma and bachelor's degree certificates of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ))and the bachelor’s degree certificate of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in accordance with the graduation requirements of HKUST and HKUST(GZ), and implements master's and doctoral education of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in accordance with the relevant regulations and graduation requirements of HKUST, and issues HKUST Master's degree and Doctoral degree certificates.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) is organized into the Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub and Society Hub, with 15 master's and doctoral programs. The first three undergraduate programs in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Big Data Technology, and Smart Manufacturing Engineering will be offered in 2023.

The faculty structure of the traditional disciplines of HKUST and the hub structure of the integrated disciplines of HKUST (GZ) are interrelated, but not overlapping. The faculty recruitment, degrees issuance and program developments of both universities will be held to the same standards to maintain the same university brand. Graduates of HKUST (GZ) will also be awarded a degree from HKUST. The two universities will employ each other's faculty, open their programs to each other, mentor students together, share laboratory facilities and equipment, collaborate on research projects, and promote the joint development of the two universities through synergy and complementarity in academic administrative activities and knowledge transfer, so as to nurture cross-disciplinary and diversified high-end innovative talents needed by the country for the future development of society in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Join The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) and enjoy:

  1. The remuneration system is built with reference to that of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the University provides no less than ¥5 million in research start-up funding.

  2. Assistance in applying for talent schemes of government at the national, provincial, municipal and district level.

  3. 6-11 million RMB of matching funds including national, provincial, municipal and district research support funds and relocation fees (subject to the latest government policy promulgated).

  4.  Spacious and ample space for research.

  5. A minimum quota of three PhD students per year.

  6. The University fully supports joint employment with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with professors from both universities co-supervising postgraduate students.

  7. Comfortable and quality international staff flats.

  8. High-end health insurance.

  9. Assistance in enrolling children in first-class kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools in Nansha District, Guangzhou.

  10. Assistance in arranging spouse's work, etc.


The 1.1 square kilometer campus of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) is located in Nansha, which is the geometric center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The campus is adjacent to the Qing Sheng Station of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, which is only 30 minutes away from the Hong Kong West Kowloon Express Rail Station, facilitating practical and meaningful collaboration between the two campuses.


According to the NSF Outstanding Young Scientists Program (Overseas) Program Guidelines for 2023. A qualifying candidate must:

(1) Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and consciously practice the spirit of scientists in the new era.

(2) be born on or after 1 January 1983 (inclusive).

(3) holds at least one Doctorate degree.

(4) have research interests are mainly in natural sciences, engineering, and technology.

(5) obtain a formal teaching or scientific research position in an overseas university, scientific research institution or corporate R&D institution between obtaining the Doctorate degree and 15 March 2023.with at least 36 months' of continuous working experience; the working period requirement may be appropriately adjusted for those who have obtained the doctorate overseas and have particularly outstanding performance.

(6) have outstanding achievements such as scientific research or technology that are recognized by peer experts and have the potential to develop into an academic leader or outstanding talent in the field.

(7) The applicant has not yet returned to work in mainland on a full-time basis or have returned to work in mainland after 1 January 2022. The applicant must resign from overseas employment or have no overseas employment, and return to work in mainland full-time for at least three years after being offered the grant.

                                                                HKUST(GZ) Talent Service Department

Contact details

Dai Jingyao: jingyaodai@ust.hk       

Wu Jiacheng: jiachengwu@ust.hk

