

陈霞芬维权基金会 APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20


美国联邦考绩制度保护委员会(MSPB)于4月23日做出了关于陈霞芬起诉商务部不当解雇的判决。法官认为陈霞芬是商务部“严重不公正”行为的受害者 ---- 其不公正之处是由于美国商务部的多个级别的官员处理不当所致。您可以在这里阅读这份135页的判决书的全文:http://bit.ly/MSPBDecisionText。

MSPB的裁决压倒性地支持陈霞芬。 法官对处理陈霞芬案的顶级商务部高官们对事实真相视而不见的做法颇为不齿,说:“如果他们拒绝承认2 + 2 = 4,我也不会感到惊讶。” 在MSPB听证会上,商务部的很多不堪的做法被披露出来。


MSPB的判决是陈霞芬的长期维权战斗中的取得的一次艰难的胜利。先是在 2014年,政府以“为中国下载机密数据”为由错误地指控她, 2015年却在开庭前一周主动撤诉;2016年,商务部竟然以相同的错误理由把她解雇。 陈霞芬勇敢地站出来,为追求公平正义而向强大的政府抗争 ---- 她这样做不仅是为了自己,更是为我们整个亚裔社区而抗争。 您的支持对她达到这一重要里程碑至关重要。

除非商务部上诉,MSPB的判决将于5月28日全面生效。 然而,最近的种种迹象表明,商务部正在寻求延缓MSPB的判决的生效期,以准备上诉。商务部如果这么做,将无异于花费你我作为的纳税人的钱来对陈霞芬继续进行迫害 ---- 这是多么可耻的、缺乏公平正义的举动!


我希望您也写信给商务部罗斯部长,表达您的不满。 不能再拖延还给陈霞芬公道的时间了!罗斯部长的电子邮件地址是WLRoss@doc.gov。 他的邮寄地址如下。

The Honorable Wilbur Ross

Secretary of Commerce

U.S. Department of Commerce

1401 Constitution Ave NW

Washington, DC 20230

目前,我们正计划于5月23日在华盛顿国会举行新闻发布会。我们真诚邀请您参加这个活动。如果您联系了商务部罗斯部长,或者再次向陈霞芬法律维权基金捐款,请告知我们。 我们会随时把最新进展和相关信息发布在陈霞芬法律维权基金会网站www.sherrychendefensefund.org上。


---- 陈霞芬法律维权基金会(2018年5月10日)


English Version

Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Update from Sherry Chen on the MSPB Decision
From: Jeremy Wu <dfundschen2016@gmail.com>

Dear Donors and Friends,

The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) issued a decision on Sherry’s appeal of the termination of her employment by the Department of Commerce (DOC) on April 23.  The judge concluded that Sherry was the “victim of a gross injustice” and the injustice was caused by mishandling of the case at multiple levels of DOC.  You can read the entire 135-page decision here  (http://bit.ly/MSPBDecisionPage).

The MSPB ruling was overwhelmingly in favor of Sherry.  Top DOC officials in the case were described to be so blinded to the facts that the judge said “I would not have been surprised if they rejected that 2 + 2 = 4.”  Scandalous activities in DOC were revealed in the MSPB hearing.  

For example, the investigative agent concealed and manipulated relevant evidence, and the General Counsel excluded a dozen or so sworn statements that are favorable to Sherry from the MSPB hearing while the responsible officials stayed silent.     

This is one hard-fought victory in a long battle for Sherry.  She was first wrongly accused of downloading confidential data for China in 2014 and then fired from her job in 2016 for the same justifications used in the dismissed criminal case.  Sherry is courageously fighting not only for herself but also our entire community.  Your support has been crucial for her to reach this significant milestone.

The MSPB decision will become final on May 28 unless there is an appeal.  Recent indication is that DOC plans to seek an extension to consider appealing.  This would be an outrageously unfair and unjust action by DOC to continue wasting taxpayers’ dollars from you and me to persecute Sherry.

On behalf of the Sherry Chen Legal Defense Fund, I wrote to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (attached), requesting him to comply with the MSPB decision and initiate a thorough and independent investigation of the problems identified by the MSPB.  

I urge you to write to Secretary Ross and express your displeasure if DOC does not comply with the MSPB order.  Justice for Sherry should not be further delayed.  His email address is WLRoss@doc.gov.  His mailing address is

The Honorable Wilbur Ross
Secretary of Commerce
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20230

A press conference is being planned for the second half of May.  It will be held in Congress.  You are invited to attend the event, let us know of your message to Secretary Ross, and/or make a donation again to the Sherry Chen Legal Defense Fund. Updates about this event and progress of Sherry’s case will be posted at https://www.sherrychendefensefund.org/.  

Thank you.

Warm regards,

Jeremy S. Wu, Ph.D.
Sherry Chen Legal Defense Fund


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关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。

