
一次独特的春假行 — 参观选举委员会

Eddie Kong APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20

今天是春假的最后一天。我们辛辛那提APAPA青年团早就定下了今天的团队活动。早上起来,窗外整个城市白茫茫的一片。树枝上、房檐上挂了一层薄薄的雪,似雾似霜很是漂亮。大概昨天是愚人节,连天气也跟我们开了一个小小的玩笑。可是我们今天要去参观的是个一点玩笑都开不得,马虎不得的地方 — Warren County board of election。 这是我们所住的郡县的选举委员会总部。


Brian Sleeth 主任,详细介绍了联邦、州和地方的选举概况,并一一列举了参与选举,保证选举正常进行,以及维护选举结果合理公平的重要性。


Brian主任还特别指出在校高四学生也可以参与的活动 — Youth @ the booth。这让大家很兴奋。选举不单单是大人们的事, 也是我们为国家、为我们的社区服务的义务。

今天这个活动让我更清楚的明白了,什么是选举和选举的过程。APAPA 是一个不参与党派之争的组织,它的主要目的是为了提高亚太裔对公共事务的了解、参与,提高领导能力,促进亚太裔在社会各方面获得平等地位。我们青年团是这个组织最年轻的团队。

我虽然在美国长大,中国的文化也深深地影响着我。小的时候我就知道为人谦卑和礼让是美德。“仁义理智信 温良恭俭让”是我背的教训。我们的父母辈,来到美国,辛苦努力,有了稳定的工作和舒适的家。善良勤劳、不惹事是中国的文化传统。几千年文化的背景和习惯使我们华裔成为了一个不是很热衷于政治的少数族裔。通过今天的活动,我更加认识到我们APAPA青年团应该让更多的人知道并参与投票与选举,这是我们每个公民应该有的责任。

我一直记得,在去年参加的APAPA俄亥俄州公民领导力论坛中,俄亥俄参议院少数党副领袖Charleta Tavares女士在演讲中说的一句话:“我们可能是少数群体,但是我们的声音是强有力的!” 我觉得我们青年团要更多地参与社区活动,号召大家加入投票选举,为我们少数族群发声。


English Version

A Unique Learning Experience

by Eddie Kong, 7th Grade, Mason Middle School

Today was the last day of spring break. Our Cincinnati APAPA youth team had planned a trip and were eagerly awaiting for this day. I woke up in the morning of April 2nd gazing out the window, looking at all the trees that had just begun to bloom covered in a thin, white sheet of glimmering snow. It was as if Mother Nature had played an overnight April Fool’s joke. But what the APAPA team went to visit today was serious business — the Warren County Board of Elections. This is the headquarters of the county’s election center.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party Directors of the Election Committee warmly welcomed us. Brian Sleeth, the Democratic director, stated that in Ohio, the two main parties were the Democratic and Republican parties. Although the two directors represent different parties and different opinions, they also can cooperate under one roof and balance each other. In every federal situation, both a republican and a democratic representative must be involved to avoid any biased actions that may result in an unfair count.

Director Brian gave a detailed introduction to the federal, state, and local elections, and also listed the importance of participating in elections, ensuring the normal conduct of elections, and maintaining fair and accurate election results.

The director gave us an exclusive tour in the behind-the- scenes of the election. Before today, we could’ve only seen these scenes through news reports, but now these machines that run an important part of American citizenship have been laid out in front of us to learn about. Brian ran a few sample papers through the swift ballot reader to give us an example of how fast ballots could be counted today compared to the 1950s where the ballots were hand-counted — and they are fast, alright — in a few blinks, a stack of ballots had been already counted. He also explained the procedure of recounts and the rigorous process of double checking the accuracy of the machines and possible incorrect markings.

Director Brian also pointed out that high school students can also participate in the civil activities — Youth @ the booth. This made everyone excited. The election is not just an issue for adults, it is also our duty to serve the country and our community.

What I experienced today thoroughly increased my understanding of the vital election process and how it was a lot more than just counting votes on a ballot.

APAPA is a nonpartisan organization that focuses on improving the understanding and participation of Asian-Pacific Islanders in public affairs, improving leadership, and promoting equality among Asian Pacific Islanders.

Growing up as an Chinese-American, Chinese culture has also played a large influence on my philosophy — when I was little, I was taught that it was a virtue to be humble and courteous, following the rules of “Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, wisdom, kindness and thrift”.

Our parents, who immigrated to the United States searching for a better life, worked hard and long for a stable job and a comfortable life for us children. Diligence and hard work is part of Chinese culture — thousands of years of tradition led us to be an ethnic minority who is not very politically involved. Through today’s experience, I recognized the need for our APAPA Youth League to spread participation in elections — a responsibility that every American citizen should have.

I always rememberCharleta Tavares, assistant minority leader of the Ohio Senate, who said thefollowing at the APAPA Ohio Civil Leadership Forum last year: “We may be aminority, but our voice is powerful!”  Ithink we as a youth leadership group should participate more in communityactivities and let more ethnic minorities get out to vote and have our voice beheard and represented!


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  5. 辛辛那提为生命游行 悲剧不要重演NEVER AGAIN

  6. 欢乐的绿色海洋 - St. Patrick’s Day大游行

  7. 美国的枪支文化

  8. 作为社区领袖,如何鼓励亚裔选民投票

  9. Enough is Enough: HB Walkout

  10. 团结起来,用我们的热情和温暖融化冰霜!

  11. 美国的魅力,从“美国女人”谈起

  12. 为了忘却的纪念:华工修筑太平洋铁路展

关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:apapa.org。OCAA的全名是Ohio Chinese American Association,是由俄亥俄华人成立的非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。

