

金振豹 静修与读书 2022-01-06








I first heard about meditation short time before coming to China.  I was curious so I tried to do it by myself during a week. That was enough to realize it was   not such an easy thing. Just try to stop my mind and relax was really hard.
When I arrived to China I met Leo, and he increased more and more my interest and curiosity about it. He told me about his personal experience and researches about the topic, which completely caught my attention. It is for this reason that I decided, for first time in my life, take a few days off to take care of myself by learning meditation with Leo.

I spend 3 days at his place, with his family, learning about meditation, but also learning to enjoy the life and the moment. I am usually a very busy and concern person, so during the first sessions I was loosing the concentration very  easily. I was mainly fighting to clear my mind of thoughts. When I started feeling my mind freer of thoughts, I started feeling a strong pain on my back, caused by an old injury. The more I was getting deeper into my mind I was starting to get ride of the pain and to experience very new feelings. First I felt some sharp little movements on my joins (hips, vertebras, shoulders…), kind of readjusting the position. Each time the experience was more pleasant and I started experiencing rhythmic movements on my body; first like waves and then like circles. When feeling that, my body was very relaxed, and the back pain much softer.

 This 3 days experience helped me to understand and feel how powerful is our body. I understood that take care of ourselves it is a basic issue for whatever target we want to reach on life.

 So I want to thanks Leo for this life learning experience and his kindness.  Also for the great time I have with him and his family, especially to Liu Fen, Leo´s wife, who has also introduce me on acupuncture. All together has made me feel great and strong. I will not forget it and I will try my best to keep going with meditation in my daily life.

Maria P. C., Spain, June 18-20, 2016


