

金振豹 静修与读书 2022-01-06



















M. D. (巴西,圣保罗),视觉艺术家,2016530-61

One of the most enriching experiences I had in China was learning and practicing meditation with Dr. Zhenbao Jin. After some conversations we had about the way this practice would help me to understand my own body and mind I decided to participate in a workshop in Sanhe Meditation Center. Those were three days of talks and practices with a small group of people like myself, to whom meditation was something yet unknown.  

As a Brazilian woman, molded by a completely different culture, the contact with this other system of knowledge taught me to perceive the activities in my body in a concrete and sensible way. Differently from “western” sciences, that prioritize the most tangible aspects of the body, Taoist meditation focusedon the flow of energy within it. In the beginning it all seemed very abstract to me, but after the first experience I realized I was completely capable to feel it in a very concrete way.

The meditation exercises to which we were introduced were simple. Wespent some time trying to concentrate on our own breathing and making some effort to prolong the time of expiration. After some minutes it started to happen. I felt my chest, head and hands warmer and sometimes I began to sweat. My mouth salivated and my heart started to beat faster. The feeling of an intense energy movement inside my body was after all something palpable. Plenty of sensations took place on each meditation section. Sometimes I felt lighter, like I was floating up in the air, sometimes more vibrating witha n intense flow of energy going up and down.

In the first sessions I experienced a small pain in my back that dates from many years. It was difficult to concentrate, but I made an effort to focus on my breathing despite that. However, after some attempts I perceived my bodywas naturally shifting to a better posture, and, in the late
sections, my
pain started to fade.

The meditation sessions were always interposed with other physical exercises. We used to stretch the body and meditate in otherstances. We experienced stand-up meditation and walking meditation. These exercises were important for me to perceive how my body behaves in different situations and to control it in order to provide stronger and physical resistance.  

After some days of meditation I realized I could control the pace and the direction the energy flowed. It was easier and easier to focus in my breathing and experience the sensations that meditation produced in me. Much differently from what I thought it would be, the experience proved to me that my consciousness was alway spresent, paying attention to each movement of my body. Dr. Zhenbao Jin explained to us how body sensations, feelings and consciousness are intimately connected and I could feel them in a completely practical manner.

Meditation was one of the best experiences I had in this trip. It helped me concentrating and controlling anxiety. It taught me how to administer my energy and improve my physical performance when I exercise. Moreover, I learned it in a very practical way by the means of a different culture and way of thinking.

Thank you for providing this experience to me.   


M. D. (São Paulo, SP Brazil) – Visual Artist5.30-6.12016


三和静修中心本周六晚推出“民族音乐之旅辛庄‘快乐周末’音乐会第十场”,欢迎光临! 详情请见本公众号625日文章。

